
Prince Charles and alternative medicine

In Uncategorized on May 4, 2010 by Danielle Tagged: , ,

The Quackometer blogged recently about the demise of the Princes Foundation for Integrated Health. The charity is now being investigated for fraud. I think that the overall state of healthcare can only improve based on this revelation. The Quackometer puts it best:

“The concept of Integrated Medicine is a trojan horse. Strip away the cosy rhetoric of caring for the “whole person” is a payload of quackery, pseudo-medicine and anti-scientific nonsense. The FIH has been notorious for promoting absurd treatments including homeopathy, reiki and acupuncture despite the evidence overwhelming suggesting these are useless treatments.”

Organic food fine; herbal and quack remedies, not fine. Got that, Prince Charles?

I was pleased to see that NHS Choices denounces homeopathy with a section on ‘lack of clinical evidence’.

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